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Best of Comp Showcase

As a teaching assistant, I wanted to showcase some of the amazing work our students had done, above and beyond the assignment requirements.

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The first Best of Comp showcase form 2019

The first website from early 2020 was recieved very positively by students, many of them citing the accolades of being featured on the site and shouted out in the final lecture as what gave them the confidence to pursue more ambitious opportunities in computer science.

In later semesters, I started the tradition of showing off the previous class’s top projects to inspire the next batch of students. Each semester would aim to raise the bar and outdo the last.

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The Best of Comp website from 2020

Matching the energy of the students, I’d aim to raise the bar on the showcase website, the next generation featuring sophisticated animations, and years after including grading based on a tournament system, TA positions for top project makers, and more,

I hope that the tradition of “best of comp” endures past my stay at McGill University, and that the amazing work of these students inspires more people to build incredible projects.